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Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes
Finishing Glazes

Finishing Glazes

$28.99 – $63.99

8 oz.8 oz.
16 oz.16 oz.
32 oz.32 oz.

Finishing Glazes are the perfect way to seal and antique your milk paint all in one step! Our Finishing Glazes are a no odor, VOC free finish, water-based topcoat that provides a protective, washable, tinted, matte seal.  Finishing Glazes are easy to apply and have quick cleanup as well. You can also paint over Finishing Glazes with any paint in the future if necessary.

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8 oz., 16 oz., 32 oz.


Espreso, Mocha, Mahogany

Shipping & Delivery

How soon does my order ship?
-Depends on which items you have order. If its one of our handmade furniture items, it could take 2-4 weeks. Our smaller handmade items take about 1-2 weeks. Our larger cupboards take 3-6 weeks. *Please note this can vary a little depending on our work flow* Feel free to call if you would like a more specific lead time: 610-572-2121
- If you order florals or home decor, those items will most likely ship out in 1-3 days

How do you ship?
- We ship using FedEx and you will be sent and e-mail once it ships and the tracking number.

How do you ship larger cupboards?
- We palletize every larger cupboard shipment ourselves to make sure its good to go once it leaves our doors.
- We use FedEx Freight which will deliver your cupboard to you curbside with a lift gate at delivery. *If you need inside delivery, you need to contact us prior to shipping because it will be an additional charge*

What if there is damage to my shipment?
- This is something that unfortunately can happen. Please take pictures of the box/pallet and the product damage right away and then call us! We will take care of rest!

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